My name is AJ and welcome to my music website. I got the idea for the name “sonic sermon” after watching an interview with my all time most favorite singer/song writer Tori Amos. It was during the release of her 7th album titled “Scarlet’s Walk” in which she described the album as that of a “sonic novel.”
More so than anything, my music is a form of communication. It allows me to speak from my heart in a way that could be understood by anyone. In the same manner that a church pastor uses a pulpit to preach their gospel, I use the universal language of music as a means for sharing my message of Joy.
I am a minister of Love and ambassador of Hope. I believe that the way to a joyful life is to find something we Love to do and then doing it with the hope that it will inspire others to do the same. Then as others are inspired they will begin to inspire others as well.
I believe that each and every one of us has the potential for achieving Greatness. It is my goal, my mission to use my music to exemplify this.
So again, welcome to sonicsermon.com and enjoy your visit!
Love, Light, & Joy:

©2024 AJ Eakin