About Dr. AJ

Dear Client:
Thank you for taking the time to visit my website.
I am Dr. AJ Eakin, the "Metaphysical Doctor."
I am a board licensed Metaphysician/Metapsychologist, Intuitive Life Strategist, Conciliator, Prognosticator, Mystical Philosopher/Teacher, & Psychic Entertainer.
My purpose in life is twofold: to awaken people to the Greatness that exists within them so that they may serve as a reflection of the Greatness that exists in others.
What do I believe? I believe that Joy & Happiness are our birthrights. I believe that each & every one of us was put on this planet for a reason & that we all have something unique to give to the world.

"If it is true that we are each spirits who have chosen to participate in this human experience, then it is also true that the most spiritual thing we can do is simply be human."
Dr. AJ
What do I do? I support others in creating the life that they truly want for themselves. I do this by providing a unique type of service that combines natural skills & abilities with specialized training & over 25 years of combined practical & professional experience.