• Masters in Metaphysical Science (M.Msc.)
Thesis subject category: "Popular Psychology."
Topic & title: "Talk Shows & the Self Help Movement."
15k word comparative analysis of talk shows & the significant role they've played in the development of the self help movement. As part of my findings chapter I introduced original theories & ideas supporting the use of talk shows as actual therapeutic tools.
• Doctorate in Metaphysical Science (Msc.D.)
Dissertation subject: ”Metaphysical Psychology.”
Topic & title: ”Human Perception of the Mind & Brain.”
30k word original contribution to the fields of metaphysical psychology & behavioral science discussing the symbiotic relationship between the human brain & the mind.
• Doctor of Philosophy in Metaphysical Counseling (Ph.D.)
Dissertation subject: ”Thanatology” (counseling the dying & bereaved).
Topic & title: ”Terminal Psychosis & the Psychology of the Dying Mind."
50k word presentation suggesting that all fear is innately rooted in the fear of death on a primordial level.
• Doctor of Philosophy in Transpersonal Counseling (Ph.D.)
Dissertation subject: ”Theistic Existentialism"
Topic & title: ”Inner Greatness & Human Potential; Presence of God Within.”
40k word discussion on the hypothetical existence of a Supreme Creator based on the evidence provided in the noticeable organic relationship between all things in the natural physical world & the Cosmos.